Actualité, Press Releases


The CNDD-FDD Party will never talk with persons who are rather blatant killers than politicians in accordance with the Resolution No 2248 of the Security Council of United Nations of 12th November 2015.

1. The CNDD-FDD Party notices that the International Community wants to force the Government of Burundi to dialogue with the insurrectionary individuals that have participated in the destabilization of the democratically elected institutions .It grounds its argument on the United Nations Security Council resolution 2248 dated November 16th, 2015 reading in its third points that politicians involved in the terrorist violence will not be invited in the dialogue. The revelations being made public on domestic and international media outlets, sufficiently prove that the persons behind the terrorism have not folded arms ,and that the government has not been mistaken with respect to their identity;

2. Since the early stage of the crisis in 2005 until it peaks in a foiled putsch in May 13th , 2015 with recurrence on December 11th , 2015, the CNDD-FDD Party has never ceased to let the public and the International Community as well know that the true reasons behind the genocidal insurgency were not grounded on the term of the President. As you are aware, a few days after the overwhelming victory of the CNDD-FDD Party in 2015, the negative forces have headed to Rwanda for military conscription and to be better trained, with a view to coming back to destabilize the democratically elected institutions in Burundi. And during that period, the matter was not about term for the President. In 2010, the same political negative forces have pulled out of the electoral process to make fail the elections. Better still, it was not the matter of term. However, it was a continuity of the nuisance of negative forces in their plan of their genocide project. In 2015, the term has been nothing but pretence to implement their plan of genocide that failed in 2010. And one was hearing on air through some media outlets in their slogan that it is now or never that Burundi has to be back in their hands. Some elements of puzzle are in the process of being unmasked. The planners, the persons behind the atrocities, the persons that have carried out the plan, the logistics used, and the CNDD-FDD Party has not lied the Bagumyabanga that Burundi was under the international plot;

3. The non state, national and international organizations have been pointed out in that insurgency as organizing agents to destabilize the country. All the International Community has allied itself to the organizations to defend them. They have rather fabricated a machine to demonize the CNDD-FDD Party and its government as though it was planning the genocide against its people. It has been said for several times that the laboratory of the genocide was based in Rwanda since Kagame Paul has experienced it in his country, after what he preferred to export it in to Burundi to play the role of small imperialist upon Burundi. Therefore, some politico- mafia settings of Europe headed by Louis Michel were providing Paul Kagame with weapons and money while that president was conscripting and training young Burundians to deploy them to Burundi and perpetrate the genocide as it has been the case in Rwanda. When the insurgents have attained the operations’ settings in some districts of Bujumbura mayorship such as Cibitoke, Mutakura, Ngagara, Nyakabiga, Jabe, and Musaga, they have dug holes waiting for the genocide they would have perpetrated in case of success, as Kagame has made it by making his followers dig pits waiting for the moment ‘d’ to trigger the genocide. In 1994, in Kigali almost all pro-RPF families had pits of about ten meters of depth and none could believe they were dug in one or two days, just after Kagame shot down the plane carrying President Ntaryamira Cyprien. They were undoubtedly dug before the Kigali attack;

4. As for the journalists and foreign media outlets in mission in Burundi to assist to the decline of the power, the CNDD-FDD Party has ended up finding out that they have proven nothing of professionalism to the point that their achievements have been confused with lies and the follow up of putschists insurgents. The democrats are entitled to asking to such a category of journalists to bear their co- accountability with insurgents in the mass graves discovered in the districts of Mutakura and Cibitoke. This is true in that the same journalists have quite often accused the CNDD-FDD Party and its youth affiliated wing ‘Imbonerakure’ and the security forces to perpetrate massacres against the civil population. Now that the mass graves are being discovered, that the authors of the sisters’ assassination in Kamenge church are known, that the perpetrators who have set fire on the Chinese shopping mall T2000 have veiled their identities, that the rapes wrongly projected on security forces have found an appropriate explanation from those that have surrendered, etc, the CNDD-FDD Party awaits that the journalists be sued before the national and international justice so as to put an end to the impunity on the raised point;

5. Some civil societies and political parties of the democratic opposition criticize the declarations of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that aim at the destabilization of the democratically elected institutions. Burikukiye Venant chairperson of CAPES + says the Roman Catholic in Burundi has involved in almost the crises that have shaken Burundi from the advent of missionaries, who are forerunners of European colonizers. In his declaration Burikukiye traces the politico religious alliance rich enough that has characterized the period prior to the assassination of the prince Louis Rwagasore. Besides, he underlines that the church has served from afar or near in the unrests that has ruined Burundi for instance, in 1972-73 many priests, among whom Michel Kayoya were killed while the leaders of the Roman Catholics church were blessing and clapping. The CNDD-FDD Party does not deny the analysis made by the CAPES +civil society organization chairperson – since some of the Catholic Church members in Burundi have contributed in the sad history of the country. The behavior of the Roman Catholic Church since 2010 specifically since April 26th, 2015 is nothing but a reproduction of habitual gestures of some priest chiefs, prelates of that religion confession in the history of our country. More interestingly, an unprecedented activism has been noticed on behalf of religion confession, being translated by the will to put en and to the elections through sabotaging the National Independent Electoral Commission and the functioning of Truth and Reconciliation Commission. All of that was accompanied by incendiary communication during the mass; till people think that the Catholic Church runs the risk of losing the spiritual role towards Christians and indulges in politics. The will to divide the Christians has been expressed either openly or covertly by some staff of the Catholic Church; and the concern to oppose the Christians to the different political parties’ members have pushed many a person to wonder the reasons behind the true mission of Burundian clergy hierarchy . It would be wise enough to stick to its priority which is to preach the holy gospel and provide a spiritual assistance for the Christians;

6. Considering mass graves revealed by the young terrorists disappointed, a naked reality on the role of Kagame in the destabilization of Burundi has been unmasked through training and delivering weapons to the young insurgents and involved journalists. As above mentioned, the CNDD-FDD Party consequently holds Paul Kagame and Louis Michel accountable for human casualties , mass graves, terrorism, disappearances of Bagumyabanga, demonization of the country institutions to the point of describing them as genocidal , masterminding genocide as he has done in his country, following the content of the made revelations by those who have surrendered;

7. The CNDD-FDD has always informed the national and international community on the true planners of all of the atrocities perpetrated in Burundi since the independence and has stressed the role played by the foreign organizations in the plots against the elected institutions from the independence up to now. The use of small groups of persons has also been mentioned as starting cores to topple the undesirable power. At any time, international troops in the finance and the media outlets have promptly transformed the analysis in nothing to overshadow tracks. For now, there is no way to overshadow the truth at all. This is because the doers themselves, since April 26th 2015, detail all the scheme of the curse planned against Burundi. Those who feel concerned start to voice out distress cries and make childish arguments for clearance as person speaking of victimization to evidence that he/she is not involved in the matter. This will cost years and years to prove that he/she was not really inside the matter. It is not a mere definition that will make him /her cleansed. That CNDD-FDD Party finds in such an argument the reason to push far and notice that presenting apologies many times mean to accuse one of misdeeds. Why should people quiver instead of remaining calm?

8. As for the inter Burundian dialogue, the CNDD-FDD remarks that after several revelations of insurgents that have given up, its determination to never dialogue with terrorists is still valid and unchanged due to the following reason: As it is the case in Europe and presently in Belgium on March 22nd , 2016,any terrorist has to be tracked wherever he/she is. Above that, the planners of the crimes in Burundi since April 26th, 2015 are neither politicians nor well tempered persons. They are nothing else but criminals that will bear all along their living the mass graves, the useless assassinations, the genocide and useless destruction of valuables. The recent case is that on March 22nd, 2016 they have shot dead Lt-Colonel Ikurakure Darius at short range and Major Didier Muhimpundu and have taken hostage Dieudonné Nsegiyumva, the police agent. There were not political reasons to kill these innocent officers. This is considered as terrorism similar to what Europe is experiencing in Belgium and elsewhere;

9. Whenever the elections are organized, in accordance with the laws in force, there have always been massacres and killings. What is astonishing is that planners of the plights always resort to the same methods as though they never made progress in their acts, forgetting that Burundian people mature from time to time. What appeared highly secret yesterday is no longer the case for nowadays. In 1961, 1965, 1972-73, 1988, 1993, it was a matter of hiding. Yet from 2005, they have openly acted. Presently, their plans are observed as if it was a film. Useless to debate on the bare reality;

10. The CNDD-FDD Party concludes the statement requesting the plight masterminds against Burundi to present apologies: whenever they present arguments, they come up with other reasons and sink afresh. This is not the quality of manhood. A man is the one that assume its responsibilities so as not to be considered as coward by the alive and dead persons. Therefore, the CNDD-FDD Party calls upon all those who are not concerned by the UN Security Council resolution 2248 dated 12th November 2015 to come to partake in the Inter Burundian dialogue with the spirit to say nothing but the truth. There is nothing to distribute anymore and that invitation is inclusive and it is an Inter Burundian affair. The inclusiveness will therefore lead to a step ahead in terms of good governance, particularly the elections handling.

Done in Bujumbura, on March 26th, 2016

Honorable Pascal NYABENDA

Chairperson of the CNDD-FDD Party

29 mars 2016

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