Actualité, Tangazo


On the arrival date of the United Nations Human Rights experts to Burundi by February 29th 2016, a terrorist that said to partake in the killings has shown a mass grave at Mutakura district in Bujumbura mayorship.
1. The CNDD-FDD Party has been saddened on large scale to get that nearly 30 persons have been thrown in a 12 meter deep mass grave, killed by the insurgents of Mutakura districts, Ntahangwa commune in Bujumbura Mayorship. The authors acquainted with perpetrating such crimes know that such mass graves are located in several places of Bujumbura city. It is horrible that some people have forgotten that the life has no cost. Who has the right to put an end to human being’s life? Why have the persons died? The CNDD-FDD Party commiserates with the bereaved families whose members have been buried in the mass grave;
2. During the upheavals that started on 26th April,2015 , detractors have propagated false information through some media outlets, arguing the power is exterminating people. It is has been a rude awakening and an evidence for some insurgents’ districts , that many persons have been assassinated there, given the testimonies provided by one of the persons that showed the mass grave , where lay massively killed persons. What does the projection of the killings unto the government mean? The lie was intended to destroy the ruling CNDD-FDD Party and topple its government;
3. Some foreign press journalists pretend to be clever, to have modern tools and enough means to properly work, saying that the genocide is underway in Burundi. They also reportedly rose the issue of mass graves of persons they wrongly state to have been killed by security and defense forces. Some have even confirmed that satellites have taken images of mass graves newly dug .One wonders whether one of the new mass graves whose image has been taken by satellites is the one found at Mutakura district! Isn’t wise enough to raise that international journalists touring the districts of Cibitoke,Mutakura , Jabe , Ngagara , Nyakabiga and Musaga know mass graves where lay the innocent killed during the insurgencies since May 2015? The United Nations Human Rights experts must let Burundians and the world be aware that the international journalists who have come to report in the above mentioned districts are witnesses of the killings, the mass graves and shot photographs;
4. The CNDD-FDD Party has often time denied the allegations but now it is clear that the journalists demonize the national security and defense forces in the world. It seems the international reporters that spend a long time in those districts have kept silence with respect to the mass graves while they may know something on the matter .Presently, the Mutakura mass grave and the statements of the authors is a palpable evidence against the detractors of the government and CNDD-FDD Party. All of the fabrics will be unmasked very soon and authors of the perpetrated crimes that pretended to be the defenders of the Arusha Accord will be identified and brought to the court. The CNDD-FDD Party requests the international community to understand that it has been cheated and manipulated , after what it will restore the tarnished image of the country and the credibility of the defense and security forces;
5. The CNDD-FDD Party has been saying that there are many mass graves for a long time, yet the international community has never cared about the grievances to help identify the mass graves. The CNDD-FDD Party strongly asks the international community to assist in this regard for the truth to be found out. The ruling party also requests all of the persons aware of the mass graves in the districts, to help identify them, specifically in districts where insurgencies have taken place such as Mutakura, Cibitoke, Ngagara, Jabe, Nyakabiga and Musaga. One has not to forget persons massacred when the first democratically elected president Melchior Ndadaye was savagely murdered. Above all, the former presidents of Burundi like Jean Baptiste Bagaza and Buyoya Pierre are requested to tell the Truth and Reconciliation Commission wherever mass graves are located since the independence, as they know it very well. They have to tell Truth and Reconciliation Commission where the children of Prince Louis Rwagasore, Prime Minister Pierre Ngendandumwe and King Ntare V Ndizeye Charles are buried ;
6. The CNDD-FDD Party states that Kagame Paul of Rwanda has played a key role in what has happened at Mutakura district since he has conscripted refugees , trained and equipped them with fire arms so that they come back destabilize the country and kill citizens in Burundi;
7. To conclude, the CNDD-FDD Party would like to ask the international community to account for Burundi position, so that donors that have suspended financial aids reverse the decision. This is because the allegations taken into consideration derive from the west while it was a matter of fabrics to destroy the country. The truth takes a time but ends up being revealed as it is the case for Burundi. The CNDD-FDD Party once again commiserates with the bereaved families who lost members in the unrest that has been triggered by the enemies of country and the democracy as well.

Done in Bujumbura, on March 2nd, 2016
Honorable Pascal NYABENDA

2 mars 2016

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