Press Releases

The CNDD-FDD conveys its condolences to France and French people


  1. The CNDD-FDD party commiserates   with France and the French people following   the terrorism     that has broken out in that country. It is deeply saddened by the barbaric acts and strongly condemns such terrorists     that spare nobody,   no country and no continent as well. It is high time countries   of the world   stood   together to combat that catastrophe;
  1. The CNDD-FDD notices that all the world terrorists act in the same way: to kill without asking or expressing the cause of such acts. Those crimes are reported in Africa, Europe, and Middle East. There are no terrorist peculiar or specific to a given country. They have to fight in the same way;
  1. The CNDD-FDD party joins the France   and the French people in such hard times to share its pains. The sorrow the French people feel is shared with Burundi and its people;
  1. The CNDD-FDD party is convinced that the French people will defeat the evil as   the history knows them to be brave and resistant;
  1. The CNDD-FDD concludes this message asking God to protect France and the French people and request other countries to assist France since a friend in need as a friend indeed.

Done in Bujumbura   on November 16th, 2015

Honorable NYABENDA Pascal

Chairperson of the CNDD-FDD party

16 novembre 2015

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