Press Releases

The ruling CNDD-FDD Party condemns the killers behaving like Boko Haram, Al Shebaab and Al Qaeda


  1. Killers have been shooting and exploding grenades   at police stations and killing persons. To do such horrendous crimes,   they used motorbikes. All of this  is  carried  out  following money and weapons   from  some of the developed countries that use  broadcasters airing  it is a problem of ethnic.  The  case in point  is that  the assassins   shot dead  the son in law  of Pierre Claver Mbonimpa  in October 8th , 2015 and  the international broadcasters  stated is was  a matter  of  trade  related conflicts  . Yet,   the family of the deceased revealed that the justice should not make enquiry since it is a family based conflict.   On  Tuesday   October 13th ,2015,  gunmen have abducted   three policemen  in Ngagara zone ,  3rd district –  Bujumbura  mayorship. One of the abducted constables narrowly   escaped the wrongdoers   to inform his comrades- in- arms so as to go to save those held hostages. However,  the unity in charge of protecting the   institutions  noticed   that one of the kidnapped  policemen   died  on the spot while  another one was  severely wounded;
  1. In the process of the operation to set free other hostages, ten wrongdoers   have been reported dead and a family of a journalist named Christophe   Nkezabahizi , whose family the gunmen made human shield. The reported casualty is the journalist that died on the spot, a policeman killed and the terrorists as well,   bringing the death toll to 10 persons dead. In the process of the attack, the journalist’s family lost   two children respectively 14 and 16 years old and their mother. The ruling CNDD-FDD party presents its condolences to the bereaved families. Nevertheless, it is deplorable that international  broadcasting corporations widespread lies  from their  collaborators  based in  Burundi,  that  the unit  responsible for institutions  protection  has  attacked   that family of  Ngagara,   while others  allegedly  said  it is all about ethnical issue without  giving  concise explanations;
  1. It is true that people    misunderstand    Burundi political issue and resort to ethnical issues for their own advantage as a way to the full comprehension of Burundi conflicts. It is quite clear that Arusha Peace Agreement on Burundi proved that the Burundi conflict   stems from politics with an ethnical orientation.  In  the comprehensive  cease  fire accord  signed  in November 16th , 2003  whose signatories include  the ruling  CNDD- FDD Party  and the government,  it has been proved  that   Burundi  conflict is   the political based one;
  1. The democracy  followers  are  not ignorant  , and cannot  hide  their  sorrow  either  to know that there has been an attack of terrorists  that  killed  and abducted  constables   while   Burundians   were  commemorating  the 54th anniversary of  the Prince Louis Rwagasore’s  assassination , the Prince that fought  for independence.  However, H.E the President of Burundi Pierre NKURUNZIZA   has already warned   that security has to be restored   in no longer than two months in some localities where security is disrupted. This  is a proof  that the wrongdoers   are  backed  by the colonizing  countries    not dreaming to see Burundi  as a  unified  nation with sustainable development ,  which means that  those countries   would  like to enslave    Burundi;
  1. Presently, the ruling CNDD-FDD Party and its government have clearly got the point. Those countries   do not at all want the inter-Burundian dialogue to take place in the Country, the reason why they provide the killers with money to buy weapons in as much as they cannot manufacture weapons.   Those powers have rather to first stop sponsoring those putschists and come up with explanations to Burundians and/or be sued in the international tribunals.  As   for the donations and aids, the ruling CNDD- FDD Party notices   that it has been suspended with a view to   exerting a crackdown   on Burundi, yet the 80percent of the aid go back to the donors   whereas it is a debt to be reimbursed.  For now, it is no longer a matter of discussing the controversial issue of aids and donations given. God who created Burundi  goes on protecting it, though some  countries  are  supporting the wrongdoers  in a move to destroy Burundi.  Burundians  have been  standing the misdeeds  of  the killers’ supporters  for a long time, yet  those  countries   bear  in mind  that  they will be dividing   Burundians and thus they will have to respond before the international courts;
  1. The   ruling   CNDD- FDD Party   eventually    asks  skilled  Burundi lawyers   to join the grassroots  citizens   and help    Burundi  to bring to court  the neo-colonizers   that still  push for  chaos and  killings   between Burundians   through backing   any person  making troubles in the country,  since  it is not  understandable  that  the ruling  CNDD- FDD Party  and the  government  build the country while   others  are busy  destroying what has been achieved  so far. The truth will come out one day, when   those countries will be unveiled   for Burundians to have sustainable peace and stability, the pillars of the durable development.

Done in Bujumbura, on October 14th, 2015

Honourable Pascal NYABENDA

 Chairman of the CNDD-FDD Party    

15 octobre 2015

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