Press Releases


Those who kill people do not know what they do, they have the bloodlust


The radical opposition politicians have chosen a path that will not lead. For some time, there are targeted assassinations against personalities of the army, government and opposition parties.  For examples, in May 2015, criminals murdered the President of UPD –Zigamibanga Party Zedi Feruzi.  In July, the criminals, by gunfire wounded Lieutenant- Colonel Sindaye Dismas, the commander of the RTNB guard unit. On August 2nd, 2015, they assassinated Lieutenant -General Adolphe Nshimirimana and his two bodyguards in a rocket ambush. On August 15th, 2015 they murdered the retired Colonel Bikomagu Jean. On September 7th, 2015, they assassinated Patrice Gahungu, the Spokesman of UPD-Zigamibanga Party. On September 11th, 2015 the same criminals have tried to assassinate Chief of General Staff of the National Defence Force, Major General Prime Niyongabo in a rocket attack, which claimed the lives of three (03) soldiers of his guard and two (02) criminals were killed.
1. The CNDD-FDD Party condemns with all its energies these unspeakable murders that show their authors have nothing to offer Burundians other than cruelty and bloodbath because ambush to kill is not politics during these moments of Democracy;
2. The CNDD-FDD Party  express its sympathy to  all people  who are losing theirs including those of the defense and security forces and the BAGUMYABANGA who see their lives removed because of their commitment to peace, security and national harmony. It takes this opportunity thank God and encourages the Chief of Staff of the FDN, Major General Prime NIYONGABO in his mission and for having escaped the attack September 11, 2015.
3. The CNDD-FDD Party requests that all people involved in planning such assassinations wherever they are worldwide be arrested immediately. The Government is urged to request for the support from the international police (Interpol) so that those criminals be arrested;4. The CNDD-FDD Party reminds the radical opposition and its acolytes to immediately stop the use of selective assassinations against the authorities of the Country since a terrorist act remains so as also remains a genocide act. Dialogue cannot eradicate neither terrorist acts nor genocide acts;
5. The CNDD-FDD party concludes by reiterating its strong appeal to the Burundian people in general and in particular BAGUMYABANGA to remain calm and vigilant, not to be discouraged and to remain united because the enemy wants to go through that door to destroy the CNDD-FDD and the whole nation. It is therefore requested that the National and International community  withdraw their decisions to suspend the projects and budget support initially allocated to Burundi since the Government  of  wide opening is in place and that nothing in the world can no longer motivate the selective assassinations to have a place in the country.

                                                      Done at Bujumbura, September 15th, 2015
                                                                Honourable Pascal NYABENDA                                                                  Chairman of CNDD-FDD Party

15 septembre 2015

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