Press Releases

COMMUNIQUE NO 001/2016 OF THE CNDD-FDD PARTY dated January 5th ,2016


  1. On December 28th ,2015 in KAMPALA Ugandan capital was held a ceremony of inter Burundian dialogue official opening under the ugandan facilitation chaired by His Excellency YOWERI KAGUTA Museveni, the President of Ugandan Republic;
  1. Among others guests invited to take part in the ceremonies, the Burundian Government Representatives, the ruling CNDD-FDD Party Representatives, some members of the democratic Opposition including almost all of the radical opposition and the putschists involving the media outlets members, the civil society and religious confessions that have taken the lead near or from afar in the violent bloody riots that have broken out since April 26th, 2015 in Burundi. On the top of that, there was an important number of Diplomatic corps Representatives and Non-Governmental Organizations without forgetting some regional and sub- regional organizations  ;
  1. The CNDD-FDD Party takes this opportunity to thank his Excellency YOWERI KAGUTA Museveni who has personally chaired the ceremonies, regardless of the great political requirements linked to the political campaign to stand for another term at the top of Uganda  ;
  1. The first day always embodies difficulties and it is not easy to prevent it to happen. The CNDD-FDD Party estimates that some of the observed shortcomings related to the event’s organizing will be a point of discussion between the facilitation and the government , so as to better orient the inter Burundian dialogue process , hence reach unquestionable success. It will leave nothing behind to make sure the dialogue leads Burundians to the adapted and sustainable results for the situation of the moment while avoiding reediting Arusha or an additional Arusha Accord  ;
  1. The CNDD-FDD Party congratulates the Ugandan facilitation for having complied with the content of the 2248 UN Security Council Resolution , the Arusha Accord and the Fundamental Law of the Country and stating that the problem is most of Burundians do not to point out   such as ‘ a democratic management which gives right to the security for all’. Some have raised the concern of the political power change to the top of the country, others have evoked the impossibility of the ethnical minority to come back to the power by means of elections , a reason for them to resort to the terrorists putschs to access the power, and others bear in mind it is them or nothing. Therefore, the difficulty is eventually well defined in a concise and clear way as though the stone which damaged the hoe was noticeable  ;
  1. The CNDD-FDD Party has never ceased to raise that matter to know why there has always been a tension around elections, before and after, until there is bloodshed of innocents. In 1961, the Prince Louis Rwagasore, Hero of the Independence, has been assassinated along with his family two days after the elections. Why has Belgium been marked by such a bad political departure in Burundi? In 1965, the Prime Minister Pierre Ngendandumwe,   the right hand of Rwagasore in 1961 has also been assassinated to prevent him from enjoying his electoral rights, still under the instigation of the Belgians. It is worth mentioning that a large part of the predominant majority of skilled persons has been assassinated and extinguished. Why did that happen? In 1993, His Excellency Ndadaye Melchior, the first Hutu democratically elected and Hero of the democracy have been assassinated along with an immense population massacred under the blessing of Belgium. The survivors to the barbaric and genocide anger have been confined in the centers said to be ‘ Nazis concentration camps’ or ‘mortuaries’ where numerous populations going beyond the statistics of 500.000 persons have perished like flies since they were deprived of water and food . In 1996, 5.000 Burundian refugees chased by the progression of the RPF Inkotanyi in the valley of Rusizi river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been massively massacred by the same movement RPF Inkotanyi at the entrance of Shabunda town and thrown in the river around that town under the blessing of Bill Clinton the then United States of America President from the Democratic Party. Was that a matter of third term or other issue? Sudden putschs have taken place in that poor country of Central and Eastern Africa, yet Belgium has kept silence since it is the mastermind of those harms. In 2015, the same country has adopted a mode of operation to change the situation as it prefers and decimate the democratic population; only God knows how far their satanic plans against Burundian People will go. The facilitator in the inter Burundian dialogue has a long way to go since he will have to allow Burundian People to wonder on such great events ;
  1. The CNDD-FDD Party thinks that the time has come for Burundian People to concentrate on their own history although it is not so good and to raise all of the issues in a calm way without savageness no matter how long it will take. To push people until they no longer fear democracy is not a cake, specifically when it is a matter of reassuring and granting them their guarantees. It is not a meeting between around fifty persons that an adequate answer can be found. Excellency YOWERI KAGUTA Museveni, the noble mission entrusted to you is of tremendous and complex importance, the CNDD-FDD Party calls for your reflection without hurry and really inclusive in a way to make all Burundian People participate since their expectations are so high while the piece is too tough to break .It takes the opportunity to wish you courage and Best Wishes for the New Year.


Done in Bujumbura, January 5th , 2016

Honorable Pascal Nyabenda,

Chairperson of the CNDD-FDD Party

6 janvier 2016

About Author


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