Press Releases


The Belgian Louis Michel and his allied that back the ethnical change to power are the same propagators of pamphlets inciting people from different ethnics to kill each other in Karusi province on 21st December 2015

  1. On December 17th 2015, an unprecedented event took place in Belgium whereby Louis Michel and Barankitse Marguerite have jointly held a press   conference in Louvain La neuve premises, in which the two speakers have expressed a deep sorrow due to the survival of the ruling CNDD-FDD Party and its government. It is no longer a secret that Louis Michel and his allied starting by his son, are the origin of the problems hindering Burundi for a long time given the fact that they want to impose an independent countries their redundant and fascist philosophy through the creation of terrorists groups, the multifaceted demonization aiming at the isolation of Burundi at the international level, in a move to topple the democratically elected institutions to bring back Buyoya Pierre and his team. All of the harms in which Burundians have gone through fall under the responsibilities of the aforementioned politico-mafia settings;
  2. More surprising are statements of Louis Michel and Marguerite Barankitse on 17th December 2015 that expressed deep regret considering the failure of the government toppling of May 13th 2015 , a coup which would have turned out into a genocide in case of success , just the way Louis Michel and his allied had planned it. The two speakers have also suffered from lack of support of part of the population including   the national defense force and security that did not automatically join the putschists of May 13th 2015 and the December 11th 2015 attack on 4 military bases , a fact that would be the origin of   their failure .They have also criticized the UN and the countries that still have a better understanding of Burundian problem in favor of the population and envisage to preserve the country’s democratically elected institutions and the stability of the country as well. The complaints have been too long that one cannot enumerate all of them in this statement. For courtesy reasons, they cannot be raised in the communiqué;
  3. That visceral hatred of that politician and his associates    to plan to overthrow   the democratically elected institutions at any cost in a move to bring back Buyoya Pierre to the power, is not different at all from the revival of the genocide against Burundian population. The proof is in 1988, massacres on large scale  have been perpetrated by this politician in Marangara and Ntega communes and the genocide would have happened as   the former military dictator had planned if patriots based abroad had not promptly called for the attention the international community. In 1993, the latter   has overthrown the democratically elected institutions under the custody of the politico-mafia settings of Belgium and the then president NDADAYE Melchior and his collaborators have been ruthlessly assassinated after what hundreds of thousands of the ethnical majority citizens have been savagely massacred while others were gathered in concentration camps where they died in mass. In 1996 a numerous number of persons gathered in concentration camps have perished while Belgians authorities were contemplating under the influence of Louis Michel. Yet no body has intervened to rescue them. Although the case has not been raised, the CNDD-FDD Party considers that it is an example of genocide whose responsible figure is Buyoya Pierre and his allied. It is not a surprise to hear that Louis Michel and Marguerite Barankitse shouted Genocide in Burundi and that Buyoya takes the same pathway announcing that genocide is likely to take place. It is worth mentioning that the districts of Mutakura, Cibitoke, Nyakabiga, Musaga,Ngagara have always been and are still hotbeds of Buyoya when he was on the power. On top of that, the same districts deployed youth known as sans défaite and sans échec who have involved in the balkanization of Bujumbura Mayorship in ethnical districts in 1993.
  4. The pending idea to wish for genocide always expressed by the democracy’s enemy is evidenced in the December 11th , 2015 attacks when a given media outlet and some foreign and home based mindsets have stated that a genocide is underway right during the attacks. It means that a genocide preliminarily planned by the terrorists and their masters would have followed in case the terrorists had succeeded in conducting the attack as planned. Te failure to besiege the 4 military barracks has been a rude awakening in the speakers minds as announced to their listeners. The same feeling of genocide wish has been expressed by Gabriel Rufyiri in his correspondence to His Excellency Kaguta Museveni, expressing to him his will to have the inter Burundian dialogue   ended with ethnical power change since Rufyiri Gabriel and his followers shared their concern   to agree on 5 years to the power for the first group of ethnic and another five year period   for another ethnic group that would immediately change the laws and operate the genocide. Such ideas reflect the ones of the colonizer who has always been saying that there are people born to rule while others are born to serve. The CDD-FDD Party and its government are determined to fight such destroying and dividing ideologies all along the existence;
  5. While the release is being written, pamphlets calling the majority population to kill their colleagues from minority ethnic were found in Karusi province on December 21st 2015. It clarifies that it is a must to implement it as it has been the case on December 11, 2015. What is funny is that the caught propagator is from minority ethnic calling the majority to eliminate the minority. This comes again as a fact that those embodying the plans to massively kill a part of the population for the sake of ending the democratically elected power is inspired by those who finance them, namely Louis Michel and his allied to please Pierre Buyoya, Marguerite Barankitse and the like, waiting impatiently for the day d to happen so as to cry for the victory;
  6. The CNDD-FDD Party notices that the idea of ethnical power change to the top of the government , the pamphlets calling for Burundians to kill each other in move to push for genocide, be it the content of the press conference jointly held by Louis Michel and Marguerite Barankitse at Louvain La –Neuve, the allegations of a genocide underway in Burundi to motivate the international military intervention with a view to giving back the power to Buyoya and his circle , aim only at one objective: create an inter ethnic based climate of high tension, demonize the country to prove that the power is incompetent , isolate Burundi on the international arena, invade the country using a forged force on the basis of the home and external pretence , use the international troops with the blessing of the UN , hence overthrow the democratically elected institutions to entrust the power to the group working for the welfare of the masters destabilizing Burundi. In fact, those willing chaos in Burundi have assigned themselves the objective not to allow Burundi to make use of its resources to reach sustainable development. It is either the masters or nothing;
  7. The CNDD-FDD Party concludes expressing its gratitude towards Burundian population that has kept united in hard times although the enemies wanted to divide them. It reiterates its call for the same   behavior among the population since the enemy has not yet understood that none can stop the will of the people. The ruling Party equally thanks the national defense and security forces for their braveness to witness the example of the unity at both the national and the international level while saying no to any divide speculation and properly achieving their mission to protect the population and its institutions. It deeply expresses its indebtedness for the UN ; the countries , the regional and sub regional organizations for being close to Burundi in hard times and wishes they went on coming up with their support to Burundian people in the respect of its sovereignty . However, it does not forget to blame the behavior of the UN High Commissioner of the Human rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein that has never ceased to call the name of Imbonerakure, the ruling Party affiliated youth , likening them to militia, a deplorable conduct for a senior officer in the United Nations world.


Done in Bujumbura, December 23rd, 2015

Honorable Pascal NYABENDA

Chairperson of the CNDD-FDD Party

24 décembre 2015

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