Press Releases

Burundi: The Belgian foreign affairs minister Mr. Didier Reynders has asked Belgians to take their luggage and go back home but the Belgium embassy to Burundi says no


  1. On November 13th , 2015, the Belgium’s foreign affairs minister has ordered   all Belgians staying in Burundi to go back home through some media outlets such as RTBF and Iwacu newspaper, on the fallacious pretence that the ruling CNDD-FDD  Party issues statements against Belgians . A week after the communiqué, the Belgium Embassy to Burundi has issued a release opposed to the one made public   by its top official whereby it clarifies that ‘Belgium has not called on its citizens to leave the country. Without deeply wondering about the matter it is questionable that the two representations do not have the same position and that the followed procedure is wrong;
  1. In the same press release dated November 20th ,2015,the Belgium Embassy to Burundi accounts for declarations recently made public by Burundi and recalls   that Belgium positions are clear and pledge for dialogue and a peaceful solution. The CNDD-FDD Party and the power from that Party think that Belgium has no position to impose Burundi in terms of dialogue or on how it will be conducted. As a matter of fact, Belgium is   the main source of Burundi problematic. Yet, it could pretend to be beyond any involvement whereas it is stakeholder to the conflict. This therefore means to say that the culprits would turn out into the ones benefitting from the justice and that the modalities of the conflict resolution would be dictated by culprits, a fact that happed nowhere across the globe. This is an additional repetition since the CNDD-FDD Party has stated for many times in its declarations that Burundians consider   Belgians as any other citizen for having ruled over Burundi for many years during   the Belgian colonization;
  1. The Belgium on top of which there is Mr. Louis Michel and his family, without forgetting the politico- neo colonialists settings of his stronghold would by no means explain the coincidence according   to which the foreign affairs minister requests for the departure of his compatriots staying in Burundi ,and that terrorists shell bombs anyhow in RTNB vicinities and REGIDESO , claiming lives of innocent people for nothing. Belgium has said nothing since only Burundians are victims of such shillings. If such atrocities had happened in European territory or exactly in Belgium, the whole of the international community would have whaled as it has been for the France case. Why such a compromising silence in front of those acts of terrorists perpetrated in Burundi? The answer is quite simple: It is Belgium that equips terrorists with weapons and finances them. Yet, its friends refuse to say whatever? The time is up, if not late for the oppression to Burundi gets to ends so that the terrorism being observed in Burundi be fought with all energies as being observed in other countries, and the terrorists wherever they are be arrested and sued in the courts of justice;
  1. The sudden utilization or insulting extrapolation of the word ‘genocide’ given to Burundi has its meaning when terrorists shell bombs on innocent citizens and destroy infrastructures while no one dares raise the hand as though   Burundian People has no value. This situation pushes people to wonder that the word ‘Genocide’ has been planned , forged and programmed in the mindsets of the terrorists’ funds donors. It is what explains a series of international meetings of media and different politicians having spoken of a presumable genocide in Burundi whenever their protected terrorists have perpetrated acts of terrorism in Burundi, specifically in some zones of Bujumbura capital. They have betrayed their consciousness: They have been untrustworthy;
  1. The CNDD-FDD Party   bitterly notices that since 2010, it is busy grappling with terrorists and their donors. At any time they have perpetrated bloody acts, they expected retaliation on large scale described as an already planned genocide existing in their mind considered as important arguments to destroy the CNDD-FDD Party and its government. Therefore, various forms of provocation to put the country into turmoil and paralyze its institutions have been implemented and the waited genocide has never   happened and will never happen. So for, politico- colonizers and neo-colonizers settings around Louis Michel do not cease to threaten that there is a probable genocide, a proof that the concept of Genocide is nothing but a fuelling or automatic weapon as such  , used in a move to destroy the CNDD-FDD Party and topple the government;
  1. Taking into consideration such a description of bad events in the country, a wide range of Belgian population does not participate in the tricky politics of Louis Michel. However, its silence not to officially denounce the fabrics underway shows a given connivance. It is neither the Belgium Embassy to Burundi with an ambiguous position that will convince the CNDD-FDD Party nor   the Belgium Foreign Affairs Minister that seeks to protect the terrorists by all means , giving weak instructions that are quickly destroyed by his embassy to Bujumbura.  The CNDD-FDD Party would like to see Belgium publically announcing that it will rather take part in the inter-burundian dialogue and participate like other Burundi citizens. If they will come to participate in a such dialogue, they will have done great thing as it will be the occasion to discuss on diverse issues in order to find out the solutions. The Belgium delegation is thus welcome. They may also propose how they wish the dialogue can be conducted so that we discuss on it and thereafter come up with a consensus.

Done in Bujumbura, November 24th, 2015

Honorable Pascal NYABENDA

Chairman of the CNDD-FDD Party  

25 novembre 2015

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